CBD and Cancer

CBD is a type of cannabinoid compound. There are over 100 types of cannabinoids, the most famous of which is THC. This compound is famously associated with marijuana and causing a psychoactive effect or“high”. CBD however, is a cannabinoid that does not have any mind-altering or psychoactive effects. CBD comes from hemp or cannabis plants and can be extracted into a carrier oil to become CBD oil. Sold in various forms, CBD is making headlines for its anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-cancer benefits. CBD affects the body by interacting with the body’s own endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for maintaining the immune system, managing pain, and regulating sleep. Regarding CBD’s possible anti-cancer benefits, there are two main effects associated with CBD, stopping and slowing the growth of cancer cells, and the management of symptoms associated with chemotherapy.
A study conducted in 2013 by the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that CBD has potential as an anticancer drug. The non-psychoactive drug has properties that inhibit the growth of tumors. CBD has anti-migratory, anti-invasive, anti-metastatic, and anti-angiogenic properties. Meaning that CBD can be a drug that both reduces cancer growth and the spread of cancer. The study also showed that CBD only inhibited the growth of cancer cells, and not normal cell production. These results came at the cost of only minor side effects as well. Various studies have shown, and research is continuing to mount to exhibit CBD as a potent inhibitor for cancer.
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