What is CBG?

Cannabinoids are the chemical
compounds that are naturally found in the cannabis plant. While
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are perhaps the two most
well-known compounds, others exist that have health uses still being researched
and understood. One cannabinoid known to have potential health benefits is
Cannabigerol (CBG).CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid (meaning it will not
get you “high”) and is actually a precursor to three other major cannabinoids,
including THC and CBD. That is, the cannabis plant has natural enzymes that
break down CBG to make tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) andcannabidiolic acid
(CBDA), which then become THC and CBD when exposed to heat. In the flowering
cycle; it typically takes around 6 – 8 weeks for the conversion process from
CBG to THCA and CBDA to take place. Due to its role as a precursor to other
cannabinoids, CBG generally exists in low concentrations. CBG is also found
primarily in strains of cannabis that have an especially low concentration of
THC, and/or strains that are particularly high in CBD. In fact, CBG actually
acts as a buffer to the psychoactive effects induced by THC. CBG, therefore,
plays a critical role in monitoring the potency of THC in many strains of
cannabis. Despite constantly being overlooked by THC and CBD, CBG is thought to
possess a range of health uses and benefits. Furthermore, research on CBG is
still in its infancy, and it is, therefore, possible that there are additional
health benefits that are yet to be discovered.
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